Brian Thompson

Demand Generation Marketing Executive, Technology Builder, Digital Native, Continuous Learner, and Passionate Leader

Brian Thompson


Brian is a seasoned marketing leader with extensive experience in crafting innovative demand generation strategies through comprehensive, digital first solutions for organizations in the spaces of B2B, B2C, B2B2C and D2C.

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Years of Experience
Google Marketing Certifications
HubSpot Marketing Certifications
Business Certifications

A curious passion for all things marketing and technology with a need to constantly learn.

As a marketing leader, I believe in the need to always stay on top of the latest technologies. This continuous learning and improvement allows me to support my teams as a whole and one-to-one in their growth, while also allowing me to roll up my sleeves and help my team in a hands-on approach to deliver the highest quality digital solutions to drive demand and revenue growth. 

Areas of Expertise

Brian brings a a full range of modern demand generation, digital and growth marketing leadership

Included but not limited to:

Let's chat!

Have you seen enough to think we could make a great match? Looking for your next Digital Growth Executive? Lets connect now.

Need more reasons? I understand.

See below on what some of my colleagues and leaders have said and how I wake up everyday with a WIN BIG attitude.

Let's chat!

Have you seen enough to think we could make a great match? Looking for your next Digital Growth Executive? Lets connect now.

Need more reasons? I understand. See below on what some of my colleagues and leaders have said and how I wake up everyday with a WIN BIG attitude.

What others say about Brian

Finding a path to success is never a straight line. Equally, successful is not accomplished by one person alone. I believe in working closely with my leaders, peers, partners and my team to find that perfect path to success. My success can be seen through the recommendations of those who I have worked with .


I believe that positive leadership makes a difference in productivity, satisfaction, and happiness within my teams. Leading with positivity has also helped me build trust among colleagues while also making teams more comfortable to open up to change. Here are six key principles I look to apply each day.


Fail Faster, Succeed Faster

I believe in taking every result as a win, even when we fail. We learn, we move on, we succeed faster.

Embrace change

The title says it all, but for me, I have been described as a "change agent". With this honor, I believe in the power of change.


Be happy

Positivity is contagious and so is negativity. I believe in focusing on what we can control.

We're all together in this

As a leader, always being kind, fair and unafraid to speak up is important. I bring this mindset to every interaction and encourage my teams to do the same. We all have a voice.

Taking "calculated" risks

In digital and growth marketing, we're only as good as our data tells us we are. Being unafraid to fail is critical to success. Taking calculated risks is something I believe strongly in.

Celebrate others

As a leader and a team member, I am only as good as my team and my peers. I believe in celebrating the successes of everyone else around me. Acknowledging even the smallest of wins, can take morale and momentum to new heights.